Open Video
Portfolio Details Image
Client Name
Newton Nissan
Project Category
Video Production
Television, Social Media

Project Overview

Newton Nissan, a well-known automotive dealership in Tennessee, enlisted our expertise to create a series of three captivating television commercials. The goal was to spotlight their hassle-free trade-in program using a fun and memorable talking car costume character. These commercials were designed to entertain and inform, showcasing the seamless vehicle transformation process.

Project Approach

  • Concept Development: We brainstormed and refined a concept that combined humor and relatability to engage viewers effectively. The idea of a talking car costume character emerged as a unique and memorable element.
  • Scriptwriting: Crafting engaging scripts was key. Each script highlighted different aspects of the trade-in program, ensuring the message was clear, concise, and entertaining.
  • Casting and Costume Design: Selecting the right actor and designing a compelling car costume were critical steps. The character needed to be likable and believable, resonating with the target audience.
  • Filming and Production: We conducted the filming over several days, focusing on high-quality production values. Attention to detail in every scene ensured the commercials were polished and professional.
  • Post-Production and Editing: In post-production, we added special effects, fine-tuned the visuals, and ensured the audio was crisp. The final edits made the commercials truly shine, ready for prime-time TV.

Project Outcome

  • Increased Brand Awareness: The commercials significantly boosted Newton Nissan's visibility, making their trade-in program widely recognized.
  • Customer Engagement: Viewers loved the talking car character, resulting in higher engagement rates and positive feedback on social media.
  • Lead Generation: The engaging content led to a noticeable increase in inquiries and potential customer visits to the dealership.
  • Sales Growth: The fun and informative approach translated into actual sales, with more customers opting for the trade-in program.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: Newton Nissan's brand image improved, positioning them as a modern and customer-friendly dealership.
  • Awards and Recognition: The commercials garnered industry awards, further validating the success and creativity of the campaign.

In wrap-up, this project was a fantastic success, achieving all objectives and providing Newton Nissan with a memorable and effective advertising campaign.

Open Video
Portfolio Details Image
Client Name
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