Open Video
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Client Name
Music City Prep Clinic
Project Category
Video Production
Television, Social Media

Project Overview

Music City Prep Clinic approached us to create a vibrant series of commercials showcasing the benefits of PrEP, an anti-HIV drug. Our mission was to highlight diverse scenarios where PrEP could make a difference. The final product was three captivating 30-second commercials that aired on television.

Project Approach

To capture the essence of PrEP in everyday life, we adopted a multi-location shoot with a diverse cast. Here’s how we did it:

  • Location Scouting: We filmed at five unique locations, ensuring each setting resonated with our target audience.
  • Casting Talent: We hired eight professional actors to portray various relatable characters.
  • Script Development: Crafted engaging scripts to reflect real-life scenarios, including a young man with his parents, a couple in their 20s, and more.
  • Production: Managed a seamless shoot schedule to efficiently capture each scene with precision and creativity.
  • Post-Production: Edited the footage to produce three polished 30-second commercials, each telling a powerful story about PrEP's impact.

Project Outcome

Our commercials successfully conveyed the importance and accessibility of PrEP, reaching a broad audience. The results were phenomenal:

  • Increased Awareness: Significant rise in public knowledge about PrEP and its benefits.
  • Engagement: High engagement rates on social media platforms where the ads were shared.
  • Clinic Visits: Boost in the number of people visiting Music City Prep Clinic for consultations.
  • Positive Feedback: Received rave reviews from both the client and the target audience.
  • Awards: The commercials were nominated for local advertising awards.
  • Impactful Messaging: The campaign helped normalize discussions around HIV prevention.

To wrap it up, the commercials not only achieved the client’s goals but also made a lasting impact on the community by promoting health and prevention.

Open Video
Portfolio Details Image
Client Name
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