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Published On
February 22, 2023
Blog Category
Reading Time
4 minutes
Written By
Matt Lawrence

Video is here to stay. In fact, video content has become the most effective way for brands to communicate with their audience. If you need some fuel to light your fire and get you into video creation mode, take a look at these powerful statistics that prove video deserves a big chunk of your marketing brain. Here is a list of the different marketing video types that businesses are using as part of their strategy in 2020.


Branding videos are a way for companies to show who they are and what they are all about. They usually run anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and are a visually stunning way to communicate a brand’s mission and vibe.


Explainer videos are a very helpful tool if you’re trying to define a concept, service, or idea for your audience. It’s not always an animated video, although that is a popular choice. Explainer videos can also involve live-action film with a narrator communicating the facts in a very simple to understand way.


Video tutorials make learning much easier than printed materials or online help pages. They are often longer format, anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes, and broken down into segments that go into details of different topics.


Customer testimonials depict a real-life story of how a company’s product or service has positively impacted a customer’s life. They can consist of one personal account or multiple customers telling their story. These can be included in branding videos, but they can also be their own stand alone videos. These can vary in length, but shorter versions, under a minute, are useful for individual social media posts.


Product videos show a demonstration of how a product or service works. They make the benefits of the product/service very clear and build brand trust. These videos tend to be anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes long.

72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by watching a video. (HubSpot)


A vlog is typically where a person or brand speaks directly to the consumer. They’re less scripted and more natural, and address a topic or experience they want to share. They can be about travel, fashion, cooking, music, etc. They can be any length, but are often one of the longer types of video.


A webinar (short for web seminar) is a live online presentation or conference. They are generally interactive and in real-time with participants getting information and asking questions. Many companies use webinars to build their brand authority, connect with new customers or promote a new product or service. They may also be aimed at existing customers, for training or onboarding, as an extra value add, or to upsell.

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text. (Insivia)


Live streams are videos simultaneously recorded and broadcast over the internet in real time. They often showcase a behind the scenes take on an event or the actual broadcast of a live event. Sometimes they are not event-based at all and just consist of an online personality “going live” from wherever they are with their thoughts on a particular subject. Many social platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram have live streaming capabilities. Length often varies.


Interviews can be filmed in a live setting or on a studio backdrop. The point of an interview video is often to show an expert’s opinion on your product or service. This can help build credibility and trust. Interviews are often included as segments within other video types but can also exist on their own.


Alright, now you know the types of marketing videos to use in your 2021 strategy and it is just a matter of choosing which styles are right for you. As a Nashville video production company, we are seeing tons of companies, both large and small, moving here with huge ambitions and we are here to help. Need some guidance figuring out which marketing videos to create?

Give us a shout!

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